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Proposed Development

Cala Homes has made two planning applications to Brentwood Borough Council.


​One application 24/00760/FUL (Click here) is for a new road junction and access road at the entrance to 61a Priests Lane. ​​


The other application 24/00804/FUL (Click here) is for 97 Homes on the disused playing field.


​You may need to register and sign in in order to view all the documents, and also to lodge a comment using the portal.


Please comment of both proposals because we do not know if the Planning Committee will consider the two applications together or separately.  And the traffic concerns apply to the junction as well as the site.

The planning officers have been in discussions with Cala for over a year, but our Councillors have not been involved and they are concerned that residents views should be heard. They would like to hear from residents as part of the planning application process.


They have advised us that the number of comments made is important, and it is not enough to rely on a residents association. In particular, residents may have experiences or concerns that are specific to their circumstances and it is important that these are shared.  We have listed the matters that can be consiered by Councillors here.

The number of residents responses together with their concerns have been factors in recent refusals of excessive developments in the town.

Highways Essex collect very limited information on collisions on Priests Lane, and as a result have deemed the road to be safe and with very low traffic incidents. This is does not seem consistent with our experience and so it would be useful if you could inform the Council of any traffic safety issues you may have.

Comments can made on the planning portal, although you are limited to 2000 characters.  Please state if you OBJECT or SUPPORT the proposal.


You can also comment by email or writing. 

If emailing or writing, please quote the planning application reference and also give your name and full address, although the Council website says that it accepts the email address if you are contacting them by email.

Comments by email to:



You can also write to:


Planning Department

Brentwood Borough Council

Town Hall

Ingrave road

Brentwood.   CM15 8AY​

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